Monday, October 25, 2010

Any recommendations of Angelfish

"All God's angels come to us disguised." This line was written long ago by James Russell Lowell, says many things. This line can be up all the good things that surround us, good people, good friends, or angels. Angel? These angels are the angels in heaven to live, but they are angels who live deep under the sea! Beautiful, elegant, here is fragile, delicate, colorful, these adjectives describe a woman of your dreams, but angelfish. You have been sent to thisEarth in different colors, sizes and shapes. Fins are flat and triangular in shape complement the slender body. The figures show that there are about 100 species of emperor fish in sea water and fresh water divide.

Lake Water Angel Fish

The most beautiful and refined tropical fish can, angel fish are found worldwide in all oceans. Make seven types like angels, blue, French gray, queen, rock, and flame-black. Angelfish are generally omnivorous and consume plantAnimals. About 95% of them become hard sponges as their jaws are elongated, and sponges are used. They are easy to eat sponges mucous secretion on it and makes a thick layer. The care and breeding of marine angelfish survives in the region are heavily dependent on the particular species.

Freshwater Angelfish

These types are found in freshwater rivers, especially in South America, particularly in the Amazon. They can survive in a while 'Aquarium. Make six types of marble such as angelfish, marble, gold, black lace, ghost, gold and zebra fish wild Angel. freshwater species are the result of a mutation, the intersections forms.

Some interesting data on Scalar:

• Pterophyllum scalare, is the scientific name with Angelfish, the winged leaf and scale means necessary. The body is like angelfish, a disc with triangular fins. This triangular fins are small and provide an overview of the flightscale. vary depending on the type, shape and size of the angelfish. It belongs to the family of cichlids.

• They come from the Amazon River in South America may be in almost every ocean worldwide.

• An emperor fish usually live for 10-15 years. This is work as cold-blooded aquatic organisms, their metabolic rates observed with different water temperatures. At higher temperatures, improves the immune system and are strong enough to combat all types ofInfection and disease. The temperature range suitable angelfish 75 ° F 80 ° C. should be 6 to 7.5 in conjunction with the pH balance of water.

• In general, they prefer the blood worms, blacks worms, brine shrimp, live insects, larvae.

• They are typically 4-6 cm in height, and it is very rare to find fish with a height of more than 6 inches.

• They prefer to live in hiding in fresh water and acid with plants, vegetation and enough space around.

I hope thatuntil now, you need to know to have this very good angel. Good luck and happy days with them!

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