Friday, November 19, 2010

Acai Berry - One of Nature's Most Powerful Antioxidants?

In a world full or pollution, impurities, chemically altered food, and new viruses/bacteria being born everyday it's no surprise people are looking for ways to detox their body. This has come especially true for those on diet and exercise programs. This demand gave birth to several detox products but this demand also created a list of foods that have been discovered to contain superior antioxidant capabilities. One of the foods at the top of this list is the well known acai berry.

It's a small fruit (resembling a small purple marble or grape) that grows on acai palm trees typically found in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. The berry itself is roughly about 90% seed/pit and 10% pulp but the antioxidant properties are much more impressive. Acai berry juice is said to have 10 times the antioxidant benefits of grapes and twice the amount of blueberries. Natives living around the Amazon River in Northern Brazil have used the berry as part of their diet due to the high nutritional value.

As popularity increased in American more clinical studies were performed to determine the health benefits of acai berry juice. The most common benefits found are: Enhances the immune system, increases energy, great source of fiber, and a great source of EFA's (essential fatty acids). In addition to the above, the berries can also promote a healthier cardiovascular system and digestive track, help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, and regulate cholesterol levels in the body. Using the term "super food" to describe the acai berry seems to be an understatement but many will agree that not using it in your daily diet is not super at all.

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