Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Amazons: Men Not Wanted Here!

Out here in Idaho the word “Amazon” has a special meaning. The meaning is: “She is a big ‘ne, isn’t she!”

Rumors back yon from the jungles of the Amazon River said that there were tribes of women who liked to dress like men. From the stuff I’ve seen on the Discovery Channel that means that they were naked too.

The Mediterranean was a good place for Amazons. There were women warriors that fought like men. Modern married men know that all women CAN fight like men.

You can read all about the above except the parts I invented at: [].

Recently there was a lady, a writer I believe, who is advocating a world without men. I saw her on the only definitive news show, The Daily Show starring Jon Stewart. I don’t know what she said. I don’t listen to that kind of propaganda.

I’ve heard that you can’t have people without women. I’m sure she would not agree with all that. She may have an account at a sperm bank. Anyway, if she can do without men, what is she doing on television shows with men anchors?

Right here I’m suggesting to men: Don’t leave your sperm lying around. Some Amazon might get it!

I talked to Ruby Oftnagger here in town. She’s been around a while and knows what is needed to know here in Idaho. I caught her on Broadway which is our main street. (I live just off Main Street which is not our main street.)

I said, “Hi, Ruby!”

She looked up at me, pulled her glasses up off her nose and said, “Oh! It’s you; Taylor Jones the hack writer.”

I said, “Did you go to the Senior Center for Thanksgiving?”

She adjusted her walker and said, “Yes. Not quite as big a crowd as last year but they fed about one hundred and fifty.”

I said, “Ruby, what would you think of a world with no men in it?”

She said, “That’s how I’ve been living the 25 years since Len died; in a world without men. It really sucks!”

See! There you have it!

Copyright©John T. Jones, Ph.D. 2005

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