Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to Provide Ideal Water For Angelfish

"Every home speaks about it on livers" is a very common quotation which is used for homes or habitats. A habitat is a particular environmental area where a particular animal, plant or organisms dwell. In easy language it is the surroundings. Human beings live in home, animals do have their natural shelters, and plants grow anywhere and make it their home. In the same way, God has given aqua or water bodies for fish to survive in. Every living being has some set definition for its surroundings; you need a house made of brick and cement and you even decorate it according to your needs and requirement. Similarly, the fish also have some set canons to survive in any water body.

Like other fish, Angelfish also have their own requirements to survive in their home i.e. a water body. Angelfish basically belong to Amazon River in South America. These fish are found mainly in soft, warm, acidic waters, with a combination of thick vegetation, so it can get place to hide. It can also be found in Peru, Ecuador and Brazil where there are rivers with little current and has grassy deeps. Lagoons, rocky areas, drop offs, reef slopes are other places where these Angelfish inhibit.

Well, that was all about the natural bodies that God has gifted, they also survive in man-made habitats such as aquariums. As they are the favorites among fish lovers, it is pleasurable to bring them home. Normally, angelfish require 80°F warmth. Most people find raising angelfish very easy as they are very adaptable and easy going. But a temperature below this can harm angelfish as their immune system weakens and they get prone to all sorts of bacterial and viral infections. It is advisable to maintain high temperatures to give a healthy environment to the angelfish. This way there's a growth in the bacteria due to the reduced oxygen carrying capacity which in a way helps the fish to grow.

One has to maintain proper soft acidic water. Angelfish survive in water with a pH balance of 4.7 to 8.7. If one faces a problem in maintaining this much pH balances, a de-ionization filter or the reverse osmosis system can be used. You can connect the R.O. system in the water and can get the perfectly distilled water. Installing any of these two purification systems won't charge much, they are quite reasonable. You can even use chemicals but they should be avoided as the fish dislike it. Female angelfish faces to difficulty to lay eggs in hot water. If you want your fish to breed, you ought to bring the water at normal conditions. Even a quality water conditioner can also be used as it removes excess chlorine and does the osmosis system.

By taking an extra care, you can also watch these little angels playing around you. With that extra love you can rule the world, then why not start with these angels.

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