Friday, December 17, 2010

Go Swimming With Dolphins

While they are certainly playful and amusing creatures, there is more to dolphins than just Flipper. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals in the world, and are found in just about every ocean around the globe. Types of them are even found in some of the major rivers, including the Amazon River in Brazil and the Ganges River in India. Yet they, like so many marine creatures, are threatened by human activity and in many ways are at our mercy for survival. As an elegant way to raise awareness and introduce the masses to the beauty and importance of the dolphin, many vacation resorts offer people the opportunity to go swimming with dolphins to encourage environmental conservation.

In comparison to the rest of oceanic life, dolphins are a relatively new species, having evolved just 10 million year ago. In a strange twist, dolphins are actually the descendants of land animals who evolved into the water, as opposed to most life forms which grew out of the water. Scientists are confident that this evolutionary path, such as dolphins have small vestigial pelvic bones and leg buds as part of their spine.

The "dolphin" is derived from the Greek word "DELPHYS," means the uterus and that was probably unusual for the fact that dolphins, whales are mammals and bear their young in the womb decided before birth. Dolphins are known for their unique social behavior and acute intelligence. There have also beenReports of dolphins display the culture and learned behavior, thinking of being a unique phenomenon for human intelligence, through the mediation of their instruments for young people searching for food and props and decorations used for mating rituals.

intelligence, combined with their characteristic cheerfulness and friendly nature makes them swim with the dolphins, for example, a particular experience. However, many species of dolphins in danger today, with many species already beyond refused to take. Toexample, a study done in 2006 was unable to locate any of the Yangtze River dolphin, making it technically extinct.

The difficult fact to realize is that humans are responsible in large part for the threat these magnificent creature are now facing. From the spilling of toxic waste and trash into the oceans to runoff containing dangerous pesticides to accidental collisions with boat propellers, many of the dolphin's main enemies are the careless byproducts of human life. Dolphins are often the accidental victims of fishermen's nets, when they are hauled in with catches of tuna. Unfortunately, dolphins are also hunted for food in many areas of the world and are killed in mass for commercial sale.

The people of the world today have the power to stop the casual and mostly unintentional destruction of these fabulous creatures, and this is why swimming with dolphins is so powerful. It is obvious from that most of the ways we hurt dolphins are unintentional and passive, making them unnecessary victims. By offering people a chance to spend personal time with these awesome animals in their natural habitats, resorts are encouraging people to get to know them and put a face on all the things that live in the sea. And once you have been kissed by a dolphin, nuzzled by a dolphin, and ferried around on the back of a dolphin, it is hard to ignore the effect we are having on them. So if you get a chance, do not miss the opportunity to go swimming with dolphins, as it is a unique experience and education. The hope is that there is still a once-in-a-life experience, but if you do not stop our treatment regardless of their environment, but unfortunately it is.

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