Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Places to Visit - South America

South America is located in southern continent of Americas and is bordered by Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. South America is a great travel destination and has numerous beautiful places to visit

1. Angel Falls (Venezuela) - The world's highest waterfall
2. Amazon River - World's largest river by volume
3. Andes - Largest mountain range
4. World's largest rainforest - the Amazon

These are just few of the travel destinations in South America and you really need to plan your trip in advance to make the best out of the trip. Here are some of the other recommended things to do on your South American Tour -

1. Islands - There are numerous beautiful islands in South America and with their own unique attraction. You can go to the Paradise Islands which have palm trees (at the Caribbean Sea) or you can go to the Islands of Rio De Janeiro. All the islands are beautiful and fun place to be with your friends or family.

2. Galapagos Islands - Off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands consists of 13 large islands and 6 small islands. These islands are home to amazing species of animals, birds and plants. Some of the beautiful creatures to see are the giant tortoises, dolphins, iguana and more.

3. Lake Titicaca - Located in Peru, this lake is the world's highest navigable lake

4. Machu Picchu is one of the most amazing places in South America and is the best known Inca site in South America.

5. Angel Falls -Angel Falls is world's highest water fall and is a site of cultural and spiritual significance to Venezuelan tribes. You can arrange for a tour to this beautiful destination from the nearest town, Ciudad Bolívar by boat or a plane.

Since tour is an opportunity which needs to be explored and enjoyed to the fullest, it is best advised that you avail the services of tour operators who can provide you with standard as well as customised deals. One such tour operator is Travel Projects who specialise in South American Tours and have a variety of options for your travel needs. Know more at: http://www.travelprojects.com.au

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