Monday, December 20, 2010

Three Poems: Images of the Amazon

Little Kingdoms of the Amazon

In the Amazon

there are kingdoms

breathing, eating

roaming about

in perfect harmony

(insects and birds,

monkeys and wildcats

and macho black ants!)

that is why the


is never quiet

it's those foot-steps,

moving all night

and all day--long!

#1225 2/20/06

Notes by Rosa: Here are three more poems of the Amazon, and I can remember all those happenings, just the way Dennis put them, the excitment we had in the pond area with the big lily pads, and the pink dolphins, we never knew were there were, until we saw them; such things in the Amazon make it all worth while being there; and that lily pad, I could have had lunch on it I do believe, there were many of course.The Amazon is like no other world, a world unto itself. Rosa
Giant Lily-pads of the Amazon

Giant Lily-pads in the water!

Slim, green, one after the other

Hidden in a pond, somewhere

In the Amazon, a friendly place

Inches apart, they lie hot and lazy

On the waters, shapes looking

-- (all afternoon sky-ward for sun)

My wife is small, a Peruvian,

I'm thinking, she could fit on one;

That might or might not be to

Her liking

The sun eases: breeze comes

We have to back the boat out

I wonder if they've lived here for

Centuries [?]; like elephant ears....

#1227 2/20/06

Pink Dolphins of the Amazon

She tossed water about our boat.

Splashed water on my throat.

She moves swifter than the wind;

The pink dolphins of the Amazon....

Swimming low, high, scouting the river,

Summoning whoever is nearby--;

My wife and I see a long arched fish

Pink--jumping like a spring:

Lifting from the water so all can see,

The beauty of her sleek and pink body.

And back down she flops, headfirst,

Onto, into the waters, kissing the top.

#1226 2/20/06

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Acai Active Supplements - How Acai Berry Actives Can Transform Your Natural Health and Your Life!

Acai as alternative health remedy is fairly new to the United States supplementation market, but the people of the Amazon River region have been benefiting from it for a very long time. The Amazon people have used this natural product in medicines and foods because it is so good for you. Researchers here are now confirming what the native people have known for a while: The Acai berry benefits are unbelievable.

If you are looking for the best Acai berry product, then you are probably going to want to find supplements with the strongest Acai berry actives. Acai has many proven natural health benefits because it's packed with vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants and is believed to help promote a healthier immune system.

The Acai berry active is full of fiber and that's why so many people have been able to lose weight when they start supplementing with it. It helps to speed up the metabolic rate in your system and is considered by many to be a "superfood". The Acai berries are also packed with antioxidants which help fight free radicals and environmental damage as well as combat and possibly reverse the signs of aging. This super fruit is also great at helping fight the aging process from the inside out and can help prevent many diseases that are commonly associated with old age.

The Acai berry active is a very safe natural alternative health supplement product to take since it is derived naturally from acai berries and can be taken daily as part of your normal vitamin regimen. The Acai actives also come in juice form, which is really good for the body since it's so rich in all of your essential vitamins and nutrients that you need to stay healthy. And because it has such a high fiber content, when you use Acai berry actives, you are helping to stimulate your digestive system, which in turn helps get rid of all the toxins in your body!

If you want to see maximum results from supplementing your present dieting and weight lose program with this product, then you need to realize that additional measures need to be taken. You need to eat right and exercise often so that your body is working for you and not against you. If you want to look and feel your best, then you might have to try Acai berry actives for weight lose today!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Go Swimming With Dolphins

While they are certainly playful and amusing creatures, there is more to dolphins than just Flipper. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals in the world, and are found in just about every ocean around the globe. Types of them are even found in some of the major rivers, including the Amazon River in Brazil and the Ganges River in India. Yet they, like so many marine creatures, are threatened by human activity and in many ways are at our mercy for survival. As an elegant way to raise awareness and introduce the masses to the beauty and importance of the dolphin, many vacation resorts offer people the opportunity to go swimming with dolphins to encourage environmental conservation.

In comparison to the rest of oceanic life, dolphins are a relatively new species, having evolved just 10 million year ago. In a strange twist, dolphins are actually the descendants of land animals who evolved into the water, as opposed to most life forms which grew out of the water. Scientists are confident that this evolutionary path, such as dolphins have small vestigial pelvic bones and leg buds as part of their spine.

The "dolphin" is derived from the Greek word "DELPHYS," means the uterus and that was probably unusual for the fact that dolphins, whales are mammals and bear their young in the womb decided before birth. Dolphins are known for their unique social behavior and acute intelligence. There have also beenReports of dolphins display the culture and learned behavior, thinking of being a unique phenomenon for human intelligence, through the mediation of their instruments for young people searching for food and props and decorations used for mating rituals.

intelligence, combined with their characteristic cheerfulness and friendly nature makes them swim with the dolphins, for example, a particular experience. However, many species of dolphins in danger today, with many species already beyond refused to take. Toexample, a study done in 2006 was unable to locate any of the Yangtze River dolphin, making it technically extinct.

The difficult fact to realize is that humans are responsible in large part for the threat these magnificent creature are now facing. From the spilling of toxic waste and trash into the oceans to runoff containing dangerous pesticides to accidental collisions with boat propellers, many of the dolphin's main enemies are the careless byproducts of human life. Dolphins are often the accidental victims of fishermen's nets, when they are hauled in with catches of tuna. Unfortunately, dolphins are also hunted for food in many areas of the world and are killed in mass for commercial sale.

The people of the world today have the power to stop the casual and mostly unintentional destruction of these fabulous creatures, and this is why swimming with dolphins is so powerful. It is obvious from that most of the ways we hurt dolphins are unintentional and passive, making them unnecessary victims. By offering people a chance to spend personal time with these awesome animals in their natural habitats, resorts are encouraging people to get to know them and put a face on all the things that live in the sea. And once you have been kissed by a dolphin, nuzzled by a dolphin, and ferried around on the back of a dolphin, it is hard to ignore the effect we are having on them. So if you get a chance, do not miss the opportunity to go swimming with dolphins, as it is a unique experience and education. The hope is that there is still a once-in-a-life experience, but if you do not stop our treatment regardless of their environment, but unfortunately it is.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Taste of the Acai Berry

If you are a health-conscious individual or if you have been searching for a good and effective weight loss supplement, then you probably have already heard or read about the acai berry. It has been dubbed as the ultimate "superfood" that comes from the jungles of the Amazon. Many researchers have discovered that this fruit offers a myriad of great benefits for the body. Despite of its popularity, though, many are still looking for more information about how it can help them to become healthier and slimmer. Some people are even curious on how it tastes like.

Acai berries are a small and round fruit that resembles the appearance of a regular grape. It grows on palm trees in the forests of Brazil near the Amazon river. It has been used for hundreds of years by Brazilian natives for nourishment and for its medicinal properties. It has a taste which is similar to a combination of pomegranate, chocolates and wild berries.

This tiny fruit is packed with a lot of essential nutrients and antioxidants. Some of the nutrients that it has would include carbohydrates, protein, amino acids, fat, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. All of these nutrients can be found in quality acai berry supplements that are available in the market.

Although the acai berry tastes slightly bitter in its natural form, manufacturers add some natural fruit juices such as grape juice to sweeten the taste. This makes acai berry juices, pulp, smoothies, drink powders and even acai berry ice cream have a great taste.

This would give you one more reason to choose taking acai berry products and supplements over the other available health supplements in the market. If you are interested in knowing what the benefits of the acai berry are, then here are some of them.

1. It works as an anti-inflammatory agent, helping to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and muscle pain.

2. It helps in increasing the metabolic rate of an individual, promoting safe and healthy weight loss.

3. It improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, which can give you a healthier physical appearance.

4. It helps in eliminating and flushing away free radicals and waste from the body, to encourage a healthier and more efficient functioning of the systems of the body.

5. It promotes natural cell renewal and regeneration, improving the body's condition from within.

These are just a couple of the benefits of taking acai berry products and supplements. With its great taste, many people even add them to their own recipes or meals to enhance the flavor of regular dishes and to add some nutritional value as well.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Places to Visit - South America

South America is located in southern continent of Americas and is bordered by Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. South America is a great travel destination and has numerous beautiful places to visit

1. Angel Falls (Venezuela) - The world's highest waterfall
2. Amazon River - World's largest river by volume
3. Andes - Largest mountain range
4. World's largest rainforest - the Amazon

These are just few of the travel destinations in South America and you really need to plan your trip in advance to make the best out of the trip. Here are some of the other recommended things to do on your South American Tour -

1. Islands - There are numerous beautiful islands in South America and with their own unique attraction. You can go to the Paradise Islands which have palm trees (at the Caribbean Sea) or you can go to the Islands of Rio De Janeiro. All the islands are beautiful and fun place to be with your friends or family.

2. Galapagos Islands - Off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands consists of 13 large islands and 6 small islands. These islands are home to amazing species of animals, birds and plants. Some of the beautiful creatures to see are the giant tortoises, dolphins, iguana and more.

3. Lake Titicaca - Located in Peru, this lake is the world's highest navigable lake

4. Machu Picchu is one of the most amazing places in South America and is the best known Inca site in South America.

5. Angel Falls -Angel Falls is world's highest water fall and is a site of cultural and spiritual significance to Venezuelan tribes. You can arrange for a tour to this beautiful destination from the nearest town, Ciudad Bolívar by boat or a plane.

Since tour is an opportunity which needs to be explored and enjoyed to the fullest, it is best advised that you avail the services of tour operators who can provide you with standard as well as customised deals. One such tour operator is Travel Projects who specialise in South American Tours and have a variety of options for your travel needs. Know more at:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About Angelfish

Angelfish are typically grown and lived in tropical places such as the Amazon Basin. They are very much fond of attracting people's attention especially during feeding time. They are among the first fish to be established in America and became very popular instantly. They were brought to Europe around 1820. Angelfish is one of the most beautiful and eye-catching fish on the reef. They are also known for its timid traits which makes them advisable to be kept as pet. Angelfish are one of the most eye catching fish that people love to keep. Just make sure you provide them the right kind of care so that they will live for a long period of time.

They grow and can live in big crowds but this detail doesn't mean that angelfish can't swim free or without any other fishes around. Because of their flat body they can easily move around and can escape if they are squeezed close to each other. Angelfish come out from their shelter, the bulrushes when they want to join some school of fishes or just to play around. But when there is harm or any enemy around, they swim back into the rushes to hide. In 1930, angelfish were already bred in captivity in America. Because of its vivid and colorful patterns, angelfish became very popular in every pet shop around the world.

Angelfish originally came from the tropical places of India and South America. They have several genera and approximately 86 exceptional species. You might get confused with freshwater angelfish News with cichlids of the Amazon basin. Angelfish fish are most conspicuous for its vibrant and bright colors and deep, laterally compressed bodies. I have often been compared to butterfly fish because of their similar description. Angel Fish has long been in captivity for breeding, although some angelfish is not suitable for breeding are kept because of its tendency to aggressive.

Angel Fish are both in normal ribs and a variety of veiloftentimes exceeding 12 inches in height from the top of their dorsal fin to the tip of their ventral fin. Any angelfish fanatics can choose from different colors and patterns any which way they like such as from standard silvers to gold, to koi varieties to leopard-spotted to black to half-black and just about everything in between. Angelfish can live up to 10-15 years. Angelfish love to eat blackworms and bloodworms which make them carnivores. Though angelfish are really not that aggressive, they tend to be when they grow old and when they are in the breeding stage. Many angelfish fanatics are very much fond of these angels that it has become very popular these days among any other pet fish because of its sole beauty and traits.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Acai Berry Select Health Benefits

Acai Berry Select contains the Acai Berry, which has been taken by the natives of Brazil for hundreds of years for energy and rejuvenation. Acai berry is one of the most nutritious foods of the Amazon River Basin in Brazil and contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and omega fatty acids, while having strong anti-oxidant and detoxify qualities.

Ingredients added to the formula, such as Green Tea Extract for boosting metabolism and anti-oxidants for skin health, Caffeine for increased energy levels, Chromium for balancing blood sugar levels, and L-Theanine for stress reducing, are added to the Acai Berry extract. It increases the metabolism to help you burn calories quicker and the anti-oxidants flush the fat toxins out of your system. The increased energy levels help you feel better and more motivated. Anti-oxidants also speed cell rejuvenation, causing improved skin texture.

Green Tea Extract and Caffeine are known metabolism and energy boosters, found in a number of diet and weight loss supplements. They help you burn calories quicker and lose weight in conjunction with a well-balanced, calorie controlled diet, where you burn more calories than you take in. Many individuals have reported quick weight loss, and increased energy levels in the first few days of taking Acai Berry Select, which is one of the strongest formulas.

Acai Berry Select is a natural way to lose weight and detoxify, while giving you increased energy and anti-oxidants for your skin health, as an added benefit. It is recommended as a supplement to be taken 20 minutes before breakfast and lunch to curb your appetite, along with a balanced, weight loss diet and exercise. For long term weight loss you need a diet where you intake fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.

A one-month supply costs $39.95, which is in line with other diet and weight loss supplements in this class, and is offered in an auto-ship program that comes to you every thirty days or you can also order a month at a time. Some websites offer a 15 day free trial, to help you see if you will be able to use this product on a long term basis, which would be necessary for weight loss, and you will be able to feel the increased energy levels and see some weight loss in that amount of time.

Acai Berry Select is one of the strongest formulas on the market, and it will help you have more energy, lose weight and feel fuller, while also giving you healthy, rejuvenating anti-oxidants, which are used in many anti-aging products for great skin and hair. Since the ingredients are from all natural products, it is a good dietary supplement to help get your metabolism revved and rejuvenate a youthful appearance.

The health benefits have been known to native Brazilians for many years, and they are now being incorporated into many weight loss and anti-aging products. Acai Berry Select will help you feel more energized, and allow you to lose weight quicker, while giving you fresh skin and hair health.