Sunday, October 17, 2010

The acai berry and its nutritional value

Acai Berry is a rich antioxidant, which grows wild in the Brazilian Amazon and tropical forests in cetral America and is considered one of the world's best in super foods. Acai has long been consumed in Brazil but is relatively new in other parts of the world.

Acai has, like other fruits and herbs found in the rainforests of the planet is the key to many of the unknown health benefits.

One reason for the slow adoption of acai is in other countries is that the fruits can beit was only for a short period after harvest, before it quickly deteriorates. Hey good things do not last? so that the result is a pulp or juice out of the growing region.

The juice and pulp of acai fruits are often mixtures of different juices, smoothies, lemonades used, and other drinks, especially in South America, where these products are widely available.

Acai fruit flavor and texture
The pulp is very deep purple and is reminiscent of a blueberrySorbet or ice cream with a hint of chocolate. Akai berries River produces a scientifically as Euterpe oleracea palm tree is known, often in floodplains of the Amazon. When ripe berries on a dark purple and take the size of a blueberry. They contain a thin layer of flesh surrounding a large seed.

The nutrients in Acai

Oleic acid


Linoleic acid

Anthocyanins (redWines)

Beta-sitosterol (beta-sitosterol), a phytosterol that inhibits cholesterol absorption.

The fiber is about 44% of the total mass of fruit, making it one of the richest fruits of fiber.

The pulp also has very good antibacterial properties, which currently used as an astringent in South America. All of the above nutrients makes acai the most concentrated source of nutrients can be obtained in a form of fruit.

Due to the high content antixoxidantthe acai berry is known as one of the most powerful anti-aging foods.

The University of Florida study showed that acai antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells contain. University of Florida was one of the first to examine the result of the alleged benefits. "It 's only been a model of cell culture, and we do not want to give anyone false hopes. We are encouraged by the results, though. Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system is likelypositive impact on our bodies, "the study were noted.

How can Acai? Some products in the juice of the pulp, mixed juice products, capsules, chewable tablets. The meat is in health food stores. Several juice vendors even have an "acai boost" that you may have with other juices.

If a natural product like Acai, a fashionable health-products is different, which is advertised as a dietary supplement, health food, etc., is launched on a large scaleTap into a trend. While the benefits of Acai is widely advertised, was not a panacea for all ills. Consumers should exercise caution when purchasing products acai and carefully monitor what they are getting real.

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