Monday, October 18, 2010

Amazon Cruise - expert guide

A cruise is the latest adventure in the Amazon jungle. From
the endless green carpet of tree tops that make
Rainforest to the exotic animals that inhabited the waters
the mighty Amazon, Amazon cruise will reveal an
an ecosystem is impressive and convincing
Education ..

If you ever wanted pink dolphins in their view
Explore the natural habitat or unique medicinal plants found
nowhereelse in the world, Amazon could be just a cruise
the type of holiday you're looking for!

When choosing your Amazon cruise you will find that there
There are two options on a cruise
Holiday. If you're looking for the tour of 'Amazon
Comfort of a large luxury liner, Amazon cruises
Leaving the city of Manaus in the heart of
Amazon rain forest are perfect ..

Manaus at the confluence ofthe Negro and Amazon Rivers
present the greatest Amazon cruise
Liners can venture. Amazon is where the 11 km wide, and is
the main port from which many of the largest cruise ships set sail ..

The second option offers travelers cruising the Amazon
Opportunity to explore the head of the Amazon in
Eastern Peru. Here, some 6,000 km west of the river 's the
exit point in the AtlanticOcean, the Amazon
It is in its most diverse ecosystem ..

The river is much narrower, cruise ships are Amazon
smaller than the form of riverboats with a capacity to maintain
more than 50 or 60 passengers. The starting points and
Return on a Peru Amazon cruise Iquitos is located in the city.
Most passengers arrive at Iquitos by air on an internal flight from
Lima - Peru's capital ..

An unforgettableNo matter where your adventure cruise Amazon
differs from what one sees and hears on the road surprise
maintain and often leave you speechless! It could be a too
Excursion, where you meet a local shaman in a remote
Amazonian village, or maybe you're trekking in the jungle on a
quest to discover rare species of plants and animals ..

From the cruise ship on the Amazon is full of surprises! Imagine
face to face with the facesmallest monkey of the world as
hanging from a branch close to your boat, or just the
mesmerizing display of a shimmering six-foot Golden Dourada
one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the world. It 'really
ensure an unforgettable experience ..

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