Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coming Up: My Friend Carol - Expert on Istanbul

One of the things I like to do on my site the lights come on ordinary people like you and me who decided to something unusual to do with their time and were able to live a unique intercultural experience.

So one of these special people is my friend Carol, a teacher of many talents of high school, as I discovered recently is also a painter and pianist.

During the mid-nineties, Carol has decided to take a few years and wentTurkey to teach English and mathematics in a school in Istanbul. After all is said and done Carol had for seven years in Istanbul, hard to know the Turkish culture has lived and created a network of local and international friends who are still in contact with today. Turkey continues to try one of their favorite destinations and Carol, with her favorite country, every time I can connect.

In addition, Carol has a special bond in a small town in Greecewith the name of Parga, and is an interesting story behind it. There will soon be heard on international calls Carol, and their experiences and knowledge on Turkey and Greece.

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