Sunday, October 3, 2010

Monavie - Ingredients and Benefits

Monavie - the "tree of life" in Portuguese - is a mix of 19 healthy and delicious fruit, including the acai berry revolutionary. This drink provides all the antioxidants and phytochemicals your body needs to be healthy and active.

Monavie drink is not surprising and is not guaranteed to give you all the love you have for free. This drink provides your body with just the right nutrients to function properly.

The mixture

All the fruits, if carefullyelected for a health drink that benefits.Here large has a list of all 19 fruits, Monavie, and contains some of the reasons for which they were chosen as an ingredient in Monavie compiled:

Acai Berry - almost without sugar, increase the number of antioxidants and has been shown to kill leukemia cells
Acerola - great composition of vitamin A and C, a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory
Apricot - rich in fiber and powerful anti-oxidant
Aronia - good for the liver,lowers cholesterol levels, antioxidant. According to some sources, it is also possible the risk of colon cancer.
Banana - good for the heart, a lot of potassium
Blueberry excellent antioxidant and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
Blueberry - Excellent source of vitamin C, antioxidants, iron minerals in the diet, low glycemic index
Camu Camu - rich in vitamin C
Cranberry - high levels of vitamin C, good for kidney disease and a major source of vitamin A, C, B complex,Folic acid and fiber.
Kiwi - contains A, C and vitamin E, trace elements and dietary fiber
Lychee fruit - rich in vitamin C and potassium
Nashi Pear - contains large amounts of folic acid
Passion fruit - rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It contains a high concentration of carotenoids and phytochemicals - cancer fighting agents
Bulb - rich in potassium, good for the heart
Pomegranate - high in tannins and antioxidants
Prune - good for digestionSystem
Purple Grape - antioxidant, lowers blood pressure, protects the vascular system
The white grapes - lowers blood pressure
Wolfberry - used to improve eyesight and the immune system in China for generations

The production process

* Reaping the benefits:
It starts with the main ingredient, the acai berry, harvested from the rainforest of the Amazon River basin of South America, the Amazon. Everything is done without damageEnvironment, collecting only the acai berries and not damage the trees.

* Processing:
be converted immediately after harvest acai berries in a freeze-dried formula, retain their natural properties. All this happened because most of the nutrients that may contain acai berries in less than 48 hours of work lost after harvest. The final acai blend contains the benefits of both-and freeze-dried acai frozen acai pulp.

* Filling:
MonaVie uses flashPasteurization: The formula is rapidly heated, bottled, and cooled in order to capture the fresh flavors, vibrant colors and dense nutrient content of the mixture.

Monavie Products

* MonaVie Original contains powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients to fight free radicals and maintain the general health of the body

* MonaVie Active - MonaVie Active contains the added benefits of esterified fatty acids and Gluscosamine relieve joint / muscle aches andInflammation

* MonaVie Pulse MonaVie Pulse nutritionally supports your cardiovascular system, with the help of three new ingredients: plant sterols, resveratrol and omega-3 fatty acids.

Earn money with Monavie

Yes! Monavie is a business opportunity too. You have a great compensation plan and many success stories.

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