Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Peruvian and Venezuela's Angel Falls (two poems with comments)

The Amazon: Sorceress [Peru]

(The river and its jungle)

Let me say at the moment, your crown, recalled:

Her Majesty the delights me to sell,

O, wild, infatuated, witch River

Their tradition and for many years and who live there.

With foul waters vary slightly from your tree

Proud as a child, singing victory twilight

On the banks of the breast jaunty

So, rest triumphant - my mortal flesh.

Her curvesskirt, blue and green

Loading in combination with boats, animals, scenes,

A treasure, full of wonderful things

Curves are the Amazon - Sorceress ...!

# 1131 31/01/2006

La Gran Sabana

[Salto Angel]

(Advance) I left the madness of the city to seek the jungle of the Gran Sabana, which dissolves in the Amazon in 2000 - (year of the 'beast' for me). How can I tell you what I learned? Its beauty is in the order of the mind - astrange beauty, yes, so that the verse mixed up in this poem here is the work of an eye covered (beats the eye), in mind:


I'm not in the Gran Sabana of Angel Falls, or go to celebrate
the stars burning in the night, nor do I expect to see the mountains
Of which: Tepuis - over the Highlands and its virgin soil
(The Lost World, I care). Instead, I went to bed, the
I covered his eyes wishful thinking. But the joy I found in nature miracle
nights under the stars twinkle - the jungle!


Oh, yes, they have passed through their rain forests, sitting on the edge
its towering peaks, up and down, Angel Falls
(3000 meters). Went their highest levels, has increased its cliffs, retuning
civilization - a presumption. E 'timeless, par excellence,
nothing on earth, in the vein of a dream, a miracle!

Final notes: the jungles of Venezuela, where I had been entangled three areas: we have the Gran Sabana, butwhat we have called Amazon. La Gran Sabana mesh of others, and in the Amazon basin. - It 's different from the Peruvian territory, where the Amazon River and its dense rain forest on the shore. Here you will find the Orinoco basin, and again I say, caught: together again I say, because there are no fences are thrown in as an intestine soup. This area has been undisturbed for whites in 1980, there are a number of ethnic groups in this areaAmazon, I saw some groups, dug with their boats, carry out their activities as I went on mine, and I do not invade their privacy. In contrast, the Peruvian jungle and the Amazon, I went in, now and in inland waters, some communities have to join one, check their homes for the jungle, their habitat, customs, way of life mostly by invitation. This area, the Gran Sabana is the right of the story of Mr. Doyle's The Lost World ", the most incredible.

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