Friday, November 26, 2010

Discus Fish Breeding Tips - Easy Ways to Breed Your Discus Fish

The discus fish is a favorite among aquarium owners worldwide. Research indicates that this fish exhibits an advanced social behavior and thus is selective about its mate. Originating from the Amazon River and its branches, they are most often found in groups, or communities. Therefore, if you are going to stock them in your aquarium, you should make certain that you purchase several of the fish.

The breeding of discus may be somewhat complex since it requires a mate of its choosing, clean water, and a certain temperature in order to lay eggs. Should you desire to take on the task, use these discus fish breeding tips if you want to breed your fish the easy way:

1. Start with an aquarium of about ten gallons so you have room for a minimum of four discus. The discus will be unhappy if it does not have any friends! It will be a good move to have two males and two females.

2. A second discus fish breeding tip is to install a thermometer in your aquarium to maintain a continuous watch on the water temperature. Discus require 80 degree water to breed.

3. You must make certain that the water is clean. Do not forget that the discus prefers to breed in a clean environment, so frequent water changes may be necessary, particularly if you feed the fish too often.

4. When you observe that a couple of discus are working together to clean an area, you can be confident that they have chosen each other to breed. Remove this couple into a smaller tank and permit them to lay the eggs. Since the pair will fertilize the eggs eventually, let them stay in the second tank for quite a while.

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