Friday, November 26, 2010

Sangre De Grado - A Rainforest Herb

The tropical jungle/forest of the Amazon River Basin or valley of South America is referred to as the Amazon Rainforest.

The plants and trees in the Amazon Rainforest with rich Medicinal Values are described as Amazon Herbs. Sangre de Grado is one such herb found in the Amazon Rainforest. They are the large trees. These trees are concentrated more in the Peru region, which has 13% of Amazon Rainforest.

Sangre de Grado is known by many different names. The best-known names among them are: dragon's blood and Sangre de Drago. Its scientific name is lechler Crotone.
The bark is used to extract resin latex. This resin is ripe with taspine compounds.

Several studies have shown that it is very effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers and other intestinal disorders, skin eruptions, travelers', and watery diarrhea, reduce inflammation, helps reduce pain, help with the healing of wounds, firmbleeding and Kills viruses, Germs & Fungi. This Alternative Medicine would not pinch your pocket.

The Latex Resin of Sangre de Grado could be administered both externally as well as internally. It can be applied directly to the affected area (for healing the wounds) several times a day and allow it to dry. Alternatively, it could be administered internally by taking 10-30 drops in a small amount of liquid one to three times a day. The drop can be added to water and honey.

There is no report of side effects or after effects of using this resin.

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